lunes, 30 de abril de 2012


A quotation I saw this week on a friend´s wall. I found it funny and tremendously truthful.

Sir Ken Robinson

But of course I see three parts on this speech! :)

1. Introduction:

In this part Mr. Robinson links his talk to previous ones in the TED conferences, underlines the importance of creativity and tells us how we destroy it with all our education Systems and at the work places.

2. Body of the talk:

Our speaker explains that all education systems have a similar structure placing Maths at the top, Humanities in the middle and Arts at the bottom. We educate from the bottom upwards and we finally end up concentrating on the head, particularily on the left hemisphere; hence, the system is created to produce "University profesors".
It produces individuals that are mainly intellectual (good joke about the disembody proffesors who think on their body as a mean of transportation).
This Education System was created to respond to the Indistrial Revolution needs, therefore, it values people who do well at the top subjects and rejects those who have a tendency to Arts using phrases such as "you won´t get a job as an artist" as a deterrant.
There are two ideas at the bases of this sort of education:
- creativity will not get you a job
- only academic ability is worth having.
Both of those ideas are obsolete. Nowadays the fact that everibody has a diploma has lead us to a devaluation of such tittles (academic inflation), and under those circumstances it is necesary to rethink what we understad as intelligence. We know three facts about intelligence:
- It is diverse
- It is dinamic
- It is distinct- in this part he provides a very vivid example of a woman dancer who did poorly at school but was able to succede though other abilities.

3. Conclusion:

We need to change our conception of human ecology picturing intelligence not as a comodity. We ought to see our creative capacities as the gift that they are and our children as the hope that they are.